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Adult Time (▷)

B & T (Italia) (▷)

Daily life of secretary in the Navy (▷)

Defense Instruction (▷)

Deprive the War (▷)

Distant World (World Map Strategy Phase) (▷)

Electric Chair and the Mouse (▷)

Emergency! (▷)

Empire of Aeris (Glory to the Queen) (▷)

Fun event (▷)

Gentle Day (▷)

Hail income (▷)

In the name of the Emperor (▷)

Japan (▷)

Midori the Weight (▷)

Moving the World (▷)

Nations (Rance's Theme) (▷)

Night life of secretary in the Navy (▷)

Picking Wild Flowers (▷)

Predator (▷)

Routine secretary of Navy (▷)

Signs of Conspiracy (▷)

Somewhere in the world (▷)

Sortie Instructions 1 (Battle Plan Phase) (▷)

Sortie Instructions 2 (Pre-Battle Phase 2) (▷)

Sortie Instructions 3 (Pre-Battle Phase 3) (▷)

Sortie Instructions 4 (Pre-Battle Phase) (▷)

Soviet Human Union (Soviet Union) (▷)

Steel corrosion (▷)

Supressing Orders (Defending) (▷)

The Day TakeOff -full ver- (Opening song) (▷)

The Day Takeoff -game size- (▷)

The Day Takeoff -REMIX- OP (▷)

The Day Takeoff -the truth- INSTRUMENTAL (▷)

The Overflowing Emotions (▷)

The Shadow of Dora (▷)

The Third Reich of Dokutsu (Germany) (▷)

The Ways of Power (▷)

Theme of Gamerica (USA) (▷)

Tragedy (▷)

Transcendent presence (▷)

Unknown World (▷)

Volley 1  (Combat Phase) (▷)

Volley 2 (Battle Phase 2) (▷)

Volley 3 (Battle Phase 3) (▷)

Volley 4 (Battle Phase) (▷)

Volley 5 (▷)

Waltz (▷)

Welcome Newcomer (▷)

Winning Albatross (▷)

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